Full_Name: Steffen Hofmann Version: 2.4.42 OS: linux URL: ftp://ftp.openldap.org/incoming/ Submission from: (NULL) (2a01:198:5a1:200:10ea:bdac:f2f:c3b8)
Misleading information in slapd.conf:
an option _logfile_ is described in slapd.conf: "Specify a file for recording debug log messages. [...]" unfortunately it is not clear, what are "debug log messages". Obviously it is not " debugging statements and operation statistics" which can be controlled by the loglevel option.
To be honest, I have no clue what the option is for. The only result I got in using this, what a new, empty log file.
My, and (by google a few other, too) expected that the logfile option specify the file for the debugging statements.