Full_Name: Ralf Haferkamp Version: HEAD, RE23, RE24 OS: - URL: ftp://ftp.openldap.org/incoming/ Submission from: (NULL) (
According to the man-pages and the C-API draft the ldap_parse_*_result() functions return LDAP_SUCCESS, when the result was successfully parsed, otherwise != LDAP_SUCCESS. The current implementation of ldap_parse_sasl_bind_result() (not sure about ldap_parse_extended_result()) however will return the LDAP Error Code of the passwd LDAPMessages as the result (e.g. LDAP_SASL_BIND_IN_PROGRESS).
If this is the desired behavior we should fix our documentation. But I guess this is a bug in ldap_parse_sasl_bind_result() and probably ldap_parse_extended_result().