Full_Name: Ravi Version: OpenLDAP 2.4 OS: RedHat Linux 6 URL: ftp://ftp.openldap.org/incoming/ Submission from: (NULL) (
We have OpenLDAP 2.3 running on Linux. It is set up in SASL mode authenticating against multiple ADs. Everything works fine here.
We recently installed a new instance of OpenLDAP 2.4 running on RedHat Linux 6. Then, we moved the slapd.conf and slapd-meta.conf file to the new instance, and created the required users.
When we run testsaslauthd, we are successfully able to authenticate against the appropriate AD that the user is under.
But we are not able to bind to the OpenLDAP by using the same credentials. I get a Invalid credentials err 49, which indcates either credentials are incorrect, which in this case its not, or the bind info is incorrect.
testsaslauthd -u ravi@SONEPAR -p secret - WORKS
ldapsearch -x -D uid=ravi,ou=People,ou=company,dc=inside,dc=devserver,dc=com -w secret
results in: ldap_bind: Invalid credentials (49)
I have searched across many forums, compared the set up on the OpenLDAP 2.3 and OpenLDAP 2.4 instances and cannot find any differences.
Any suggestions on how to debug this is appreciated!