Full_Name: Luc-André Essiambre Version: 2.4.11 OS: Solaris 10 URL: Submission from: (NULL) (
I'm using openldap to authenticate users for our subversion repositories hosted on apache httpd. Immediately after a server startup, I get these strange errors saying "LDAP: Could not set the connection timeout"
This message does not come from anything distributed with OpenLDAP software, so it does not help isolate your issue.
when I try to authenticate myself. The weird thing is, after a couple of attempts at accessing the subversion content (5 or 6 times), I'm eventually authenticated without error. Then it will work for a while, then those same errors will come back.
You don't specify in what sense you're using OpenLDAP: do you use the client libraries as part of a third-party clien to do a bind to a third-party server, or do you use OpenLDAP as the LDAP server, or both? If you use the client libraries with a third-party client, did you build it with -DLDAP_DEPRECATED=1 ? This is required to expose deprecated API to clients that make use of them.
openldap was compiled using the gcc compiler included in solaris (version 3.4.3) without slapd, with cyrus-sasl-2.1.21. Solaris runs as a virtual server on sparc hardware.
In any case, I don't see (yet) an OpenLDAP bug, so you should direct further communications to, since your problem mainly addresses interoperation with other software.
Ing. Pierangelo Masarati OpenLDAP Core Team
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