Full_Name: Daniel Pluta Version: 2.4.21 OS: Lnx URL: ftp://ftp.openldap.org/incoming/ Submission from: (NULL) (2001:470:9feb:ff02:6834:fd61:37f:67da)
after a silly typo (removed the "," rdn-separator character) in refint's cn=config settings while modifying "olcRefintNothing" attribute the attribute contained the following escaped value:
olcRefintNothing: cn=refintcn\3Dconfig
Using ldapmodify with cn=config to correct this value back into e.g. "cn=refint,cn=config" caused slapd to crash.
Re-starting slapd (recovering db files...) worked fine but the value of course is still the "ugly" one above. Trying to correct (using ldapmodify) this value once more caused slapd to crash again.
Cheers Daniel