Full_Name: Jeffrey Crawford Version: 2.4.26 OS: FreeBSD 8.2 URL: ftp://ftp.openldap.org/incoming/ Submission from: (NULL) (
To guarantee the removal of an attribute when I don't know if the attribute exists already or not I often employ the following LDIF:
============== dn: cn=config changeType: modify replace: attrToDelete attrToDelete: dummy - delete: attrToDelete ==============
Howver every time I run the above against cn=config it causes a segmentation fault. It does not cause any problems with a hdb backends. I like to set up ldifs that i can run generically without having to know if content is there or not so I do use this.
I can work around it by just separating the above out into two "dn" instructions. but if for example one wanted to remove Indexes, that intermediate update might cause some process to start then abruptly stop or not stop.
The above failure is consistant, so hopefully easy to find.