Full_Name: Thomas Lenggenhager Version: 2.4.9 OS: Solaris URL: Submission from: (NULL) (2001:620:0:44:12dd:b1ff:fed3:e027)
I already sent twice a message to info@openldap.org, but no action or answer received.
So I try it on this channel.
Please drop the reference to SWITCH (Switzerland, mirror.switch.ch) on the Download web page: http://www.openldap.org/software/download/
Here the message I sent: ------------ The SWITCHmirror service hosted on mirror.switch.ch will be decommissioned soon.
Could you please remove the entry for mirror.switch.ch from your list of mirror sites and notify us once accomplished?
Thereafter, we will stop the mirroring of this package and drop it from our repository.
PS: See http://mirror.switch.ch for details on the decommissioning.
BTW: I noticed that the Austrian mirror on gd.tuwien.ac.at has completely disappeared, there is no DNS entry for it anymore.