Full_Name: £ukasz Mierzwa Version: 2.4.18/19 OS: Linux / Freebsd URL: ftp://ftp.openldap.org/incoming/ Submission from: (NULL) (
I'm using syncrepl with this config on master
overlay syncprov syncprov-checkpoint 100 10 syncprov-sessionlog 100
and on slaves
syncrepl rid=100 provider=ldap://ldap-master type=refreshOnly interval=00:00:01:00 retry="60 +" searchbase="<base>" filter="(objectClass=*)" scope=sub schemachecking=off bindmethod=sasl saslmech=DIGEST-MD5 authcid="<replicator login>" credentials="<pass>" starttls=yes
I modify data on master using ldapmodify with this ldif:
dn: cn=shell,ou=access,<basedn> changetype: modify replace: objectClass objectClass: groupOfNames objectClass: top - replace: cn cn: shell - replace: description description: blablabla
note that only description is getting new value, cn and objectClass are being set to the same value as before modification
and everything works, slaves are getting changed data, but when I add member attribute (which also is set to the same value as it was) slaves are not seeing any change, logs on slaves are only showing "do_syncrep2: rid=100 LDAP_RES_SEARCH_RESULT"
Master is ubuntu 9.04 with openldap 2.4.15 + I tested 2.4.18 from 9.10, same result. Slaves are ubuntu 9.04 (2.4.15 and 2.4.18) and Freebsd 7.0 (2.4.19)