Full_Name: Robert Hanson
Version: 2.4.21
OS: RedHat 4.7
URL: ftp://ftp.openldap.org/incoming/
Submission from: (NULL) (
- start with an empty database; use slapadd to add a large (3 MB)
database. 2) Use ldapbrowser to delete nearly all the nodes. After this
process, I get to a point where a subnode can't be deleted; I see the
message "12:00:27 PM: Failed to delete entry ou=Agents, lcc=Call Center
1, ou=Company, o=Spanlink Communications
Reason: [LDAP: error code 80 - DN index delete failed]
12:15:19 PM: Failed to delete entry ou=Agents, lcc=Call Center 1,
ou=Company, o=Spanlink Communications
Reason: [LDAP: error code 80 - DN index delete failed]" in the ldapbrowser
Steps to reproduce: (on redhat linux; I think any linux will do)
- build bdb 4.8.26 from the distro; build openldap 2.4.21 from the
distro. 2) copy built slapd to an appropriate place. link it to slapadd.
3) FTP: ftp.calabrio.com, user openldap, pass *a68pcJH (Account is
scheduled to close 3/23/2010; let me know if you need the file uploaded
again). unzip the file, it contains the slapcat.out; a blank database
(in a subfolder), and a slapd.conf file.
4) Edit the slapd.conf file as needed to point to the directory where you
put the database.
That was the setup, now here are the steps to reproduce the problem:
- use slapadd -c -f slapd.conf -l slapcat.out to create the database.
- start slapd (using slapd -d 1 -f slapd.conf)
- use ldapbrowser to delete the "lcc=call center 1" node.
It takes a long time, but eventually you'll see it fail while trying to
delete the "agents" node.
Quanah Gibson-Mount
Principal Software Engineer
Zimbra, Inc
Zimbra :: the leader in open source messaging and collaboration