I'm fairly new to OpenLDAP and hope I've not misunderstood things... in that case: sorry.
I've been trying to import the following .ldif:
dn: dc=somedomain,dc=org objectclass: top objectclass: dcObject objectclass: organization o: somedomain LDAP dc: somedomain
dn: ou=My address book,dc=somedomain,dc=org objectclass: top objectclass: organizationalUnit ou: My address book
dn: ou=With/Slash,ou=My address book,dc=somedomain,dc=org objectclass: top objectclass: organizationalUnit ou: Medical
dn: cn=With/Slash,ou=My address book,dc=somedomain,dc=org objectclass: top objectclass: person objectclass: organizationalPerson objectclass: inetOrgPerson objectclass: mozillaAbPersonAlpha cn: With/Slash sn: With/Slash
The above LDIF is inconsistent: the "cn=With/Slash,ou=My address book,dc=somedomain,dc=org" entry is repeated, and in the first occurrence it is inconsistent: the distinguished value "With/Slash" is not present in the entry, there's a "Medical" instead. I suspect you messed things up when sanitizing your data.
The "/" results into the following error message:
ldap_add: No such object (32) additional info: Parent does not exist
This error means that the parent of the entry you're trying to add does not exist. Here "parent" means the entry immediately below the one you're trying to add, so assuming you're trying to add "cn=With/Slash,ou=My address book,dc=somedomain,dc=org", what appears to be missing is "ou=My address book,dc=somedomain,dc=org". Are you sure it exists? By looking at the server's logs at "stats,trace" level, can you tell what DN is being looked up for the parent?
If my last entry reads:
dn: cn=WithoutSlash,ou=My address book,dc=somedomain,dc=org objectclass: top objectclass: person objectclass: organizationalPerson objectclass: inetOrgPerson objectclass: mozillaAbPersonAlpha cn: WithoutSlash sn: WithoutSlash
slapd accepts the entry and adds it to its directory.
I've read RFCs 2849 (about LDIF) and 2253 (about DNs) and can't even find "/" to be a special character. But just in case it was forgotten, I tried to represent it as "/" and "\2f" but neither solution helped.
Yes, it's not.
Using OpenLDAP 2.3 code, I can correctly parse the DN you suspect to trigger the unexpected behavior you reported:
$ slapdn 'cn=With/Slash,ou=My address book,dc=somedomain,dc=org' DN: <cn=With/Slash,ou=My address book,dc=somedomain,dc=org> check succeeded normalized: <cn=with/slash,ou=my address book,dc=somedomain,dc=org> pretty: <cn=With/Slash,ou=My address book,dc=somedomain,dc=org>
$ ./libraries/libldap/dntest 'cn=With/Slash,ou=My address book,dc=somedomain,dc=org' ldap_rdn2str() = "cn=With/Slash" ldap_rdn2str() = "ou=My address book" ldap_rdn2str() = "dc=somedomain" ldap_rdn2str() = "dc=org"
ldap_dn2str(ldap_str2dn("cn=With/Slash,ou=My address book,dc=somedomain,dc=org")) = "cn=With/Slash,ou=My address book,dc=somedomain,dc=org"
ldap_dn2domain("cn=With/Slash,ou=My address book,dc=somedomain,dc=org") = ""
ldap_dn2ufn("cn=With/Slash,ou=My address book,dc=somedomain,dc=org") = "With/Slash, My address book,"
ldap_dn2dcedn("cn=With/Slash,ou=My address book,dc=somedomain,dc=org") = "/dc=org/dc=somedomain/ou=My address book/cn=With/Slash"
ldap_dcedn2dn("/dc=org/dc=somedomain/ou=My address book/cn=With/Slash") = "cn=With/Slash,ou=My address book,dc=somedomain,dc=org"
ldap_dn2ad_canonical("cn=With/Slash,ou=My address book,dc=somedomain,dc=org") = " address book/With/Slash"
ldap_explode_dn("cn=With/Slash,ou=My address book,dc=somedomain,dc=org"): "cn=With/Slash" ldap_explode_rdn("cn=With/Slash") 'cn=With/Slash' ldap_explode_rdn("cn=With/Slash") (no types) "With/Slash" "ou=My address book" ldap_explode_rdn("ou=My address book") 'ou=My address book' ldap_explode_rdn("ou=My address book") (no types) "My address book" "dc=somedomain" ldap_explode_rdn("dc=somedomain") 'dc=somedomain' ldap_explode_rdn("dc=somedomain") (no types) "somedomain" "dc=org" ldap_explode_rdn("dc=org") 'dc=org' ldap_explode_rdn("dc=org") (no types) "org"
ldap_explode_dn("cn=With/Slash,ou=My address book,dc=somedomain,dc=org") (no types): "With/Slash" "My address book" "somedomain" "org"
"cn=With/Slash,ou=My address book,dc=somedomain,dc=org" == "cn=With/Slash,ou=My address book,dc=somedomain,dc=org" ? yes
Ing. Pierangelo Masarati OpenLDAP Core Team
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