Howard Chu wrote:
The manpage also says "This allows one to set initial values without overwriting/destroying a DB_CONFIG file that was already customized through other means." If the dbconfig settings had any other effect they would (a) no longer be *initial* values and (b) overwrite/destroy an existing DB_CONFIG file. Clearly that's not the intended behavior.
Indeed, I found the man page clear about the fact that Debian's behavior was incorrect (actually, useless). But a second point arose: what if dbconfig statements not present in the original DB_CONFIG were subsequently added as dbconfig? This is what would need to disambiguate.
Another point is that slapd-bdb(5) man page insists on the fact that the DB_CONFIG is not overwritten, but it seems to leave room to speculation that changes to the dbconfig could **temporarily** take effect, which is not true.
I believe it should clearly state that if DB_CONFIG is present, any dbconfig directives are simply ignored.
Ing. Pierangelo Masarati OpenLDAP Core Team
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