Full_Name: Claus Assmann Version: 2.4.28 OS: Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server release 5.3 URL: ftp://ftp.openldap.org/incoming/claus-assmann-111208.patch Submission from: (NULL) (
This is a followup to ITS 7037 which has been fixed in 2.4.28. It is the same setup and test -- I've uploaded a "patch" that includes the test program (sorry if it doesn't follow all the OpenLDAP conventions, I hope it is sufficient to reproduce the problem).
It looks like some changes to the OpenLDAP master are not transferred to the replica (the test prg demonstrates that).
Note: in my test runs it doesn't always fail, but almost all the time.
Please let me know whether my test is broken or whether there is a problem in slapd.
this is the failure output from running ./run syncrepl-ldap in the tests/ directory:
test failed - master and slave databases differ 79,83d78 < dn: dc=com < dc: com < objectClass: top < objectClass: domain < 101,115d95 < dn: dc=example,dc=com < dc: example < objectClass: organization < objectClass: domainRelatedObject < objectClass: dcObject < l: Anytown, Michigan < st: Michigan < o: Example, Inc. < o: EX < o: Ex. < description: The Example, Inc. at Anytown < postalAddress: Example, Inc. $ 535 W. William St. $ Anytown, MI 48109 $ US < telephoneNumber: +1 313 555 1817 < associatedDomain: example.com