Full_Name: Sergey Brester Version: all, also latest master 4d5e2d2a2ac38b9d56b6ba73187c325024718167 OS: windows URL: ftp://ftp.openldap.org/incoming/ Submission from: (NULL) (
If I save many data into LMDB file placed in network share, only the latest key is really in the database after reopen. Tested single threaded (1 process, 1 thread). No matter which flags supplied to mdb_env_open...
So repeateable writing of 10 keys (total 960 times) should result in:
Target-state: 10 keys { "some-key-0": "951", "some-key-1": "952", "some-key-2": "953", "some-key-3": "954", "some-key-4": "955", "some-key-5": "956", "some-key-6": "957", "some-key-7": "958", "some-key-8": "959", "some-key-9": "960" }
After reopen of database you'll see:
Actual-state: 1 key { "some-key-9": "960" }
Doing the same on local drive works fine and actual state is equal target state.