Full_Name: Simon Gao Version: 2.3.35 OS: Gentoo Linux 2007.0 kernel 2.6.16 URL: ftp://ftp.schrodinger.com/support/openldap/simon.gao.openldap_2.3.35.its.ext Submission from: (NULL) (
When following command against a consumer slapd, it will crash slapd of the consumer when loglevel is set to any other value other than 1 or -1 on the consumer:
ldappasswd -v -H ldap://consumer -D "uid=joe,ou=people,dc=example,dc=com" -W -S -x -A
The crash happens to at least to loglevel 0, 256, 512. When loglevel is set to 1 or "-1", then no crash is experienced. In addition, when run consumer slapd manually as front process, then all debug level works without problem.
Please check attached ftp link for detailed logs and information.