Full_Name: Puspharaj Version: $OpenLDAP: slapd 2.4.23 (Apr 22 2013 05:03:41) OS: Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server release 6.5 (Santiago) URL: ftp://ftp.openldap.org/incoming/ Submission from: (NULL) (
Hi There,
I have around 3000 user in people section were they hold multiple attributes and other things.
The problem is, I have couple of groups that holds no user in it, When i tried to add users using ldapmodify command it sometimes not responding or it says the user exist even if the users won't exist in that group.
Groupadd.ldif file contains : ################################################################# # dn: cn=typo3_frontend_global_salespartner,ou=Groups,o=company # # changetype: modify # # add: member # # member: uid=alesgian,ou=internal,c=it,ou=People,o=company # # member: uid=alesspin,ou=internal,c=it,ou=People,o=company # #################################################################
Somtimes the uid contains some special characters inbetween like . # , . When the user has the above characters it won't respond or it says the user exist.
But when i added manually or with single line of user instead of 1000 user in that file. It accepts the ldapmodify command with that file.
The command is
ldapmodify -D "cn=Directory Manager,o=company" -f Groupadd.ldif -W
This openldap version has any bug related to ldapmodify when adding 2000 users to a group through a single file?
Thanks, Puspharaj