Full_Name: Version: 2.4.23 OS: Linux URL: ftp://ftp.openldap.org/incoming/ Submission from: (NULL) (
I have a directory with branches of dynamicObject entries. It looks like if the entryExpireTimestamp value is the same on objects within a branch then DDS search for expired objects will only find the top-most object. This results in remove failing with message
DDS dn="cn=top,cn=root,dc=test" is non-leaf; deferring.
To reproduce
OpenLDAP 2.4.23, Berkeley DB 4.6.21
Use slapadd to prepare directory with following
dn: cn=Root,dc=test objectClass: top objectClass: applicationProcess cn: Root
dn: cn=top,cn=Root,dc=test objectClass: top objectClass: device objectClass: dynamicObject entryTTL: 60 entryExpireTimestamp: 20101024113626Z cn: top
dn: cn=leaf1,cn=top,cn=Root,dc=test objectClass: top objectClass: device objectClass: dynamicObject entryTTL: 60 entryExpireTimestamp: 20101024113626Z cn: leaf1
dn: cn=leaf2,cn=top,cn=Root,dc=test objectClass: top objectClass: device objectClass: dynamicObject entryTTL: 60 entryExpireTimestamp: 20101024113626Z cn: leaf2
dn: cn=leaf3,cn=top,cn=Root,dc=test objectClass: top objectClass: device objectClass: dynamicObject entryTTL: 60 entryExpireTimestamp: 20101024113626Z cn: leaf3
Relevant slapd.conf entries
database bdb suffix "cn=Root,dc=test" rootdn "cn=Root,dc=test" rootpw "password"
overlay dds dds-default-ttl 3600 dds-min-ttl 60 dds-interval 60 dds-state true index entryExpireTimestamp eq,pres
access to dn.subtree="cn=Root,dc=test" by users write by * read
Running "slapd -d 1 -d 256" produces following
put_filter: "(&(objectClass=dynamicObject)(entryExpireTimestamp<=20101025082446Z))" put_filter: AND put_filter_list "(objectClass=dynamicObject)(entryExpireTimestamp<=20101025082446Z)" put_filter: "(objectClass=dynamicObject)" put_filter: simple put_simple_filter: "objectClass=dynamicObject" put_filter: "(entryExpireTimestamp<=20101025082446Z)" put_filter: simple put_simple_filter: "entryExpireTimestamp<=20101025082446Z" ber_scanf fmt ({mm}) ber: ber_scanf fmt ({mm}) ber: => bdb_search bdb_dn2entry("cn=root,dc=test") => bdb_dn2id("cn=root,dc=test") <= bdb_dn2id: got id=0x1 entry_decode: "cn=Root,dc=test" <= entry_decode(cn=Root,dc=test) search_candidates: base="cn=root,dc=test" (0x00000001) scope=2 => bdb_dn2idl("cn=root,dc=test") => bdb_equality_candidates (objectClass) => key_read <= bdb_index_read: failed (-30989) <= bdb_equality_candidates: id=0, first=0, last=0 => bdb_equality_candidates (objectClass) => key_read <= bdb_index_read 4 candidates <= bdb_equality_candidates: id=4, first=2, last=5 => bdb_inequality_candidates (entryExpireTimestamp) => key_read <= bdb_index_read 1 candidates => key_read <= bdb_index_read: failed (-30989) <= bdb_inequality_candidates: id=1, first=2, last=2 bdb_search_candidates: id=1 first=2 last=2 entry_decode: "cn=top,cn=Root,dc=test" <= entry_decode(cn=top,cn=Root,dc=test) => bdb_dn2id("cn=top,cn=root,dc=test") <= bdb_dn2id: got id=0x2 send_ldap_result: conn=-1 op=0 p=0 bdb_dn2entry("cn=top,cn=root,dc=test") => bdb_dn2id_children("cn=top,cn=root,dc=test") <= bdb_dn2id_children("cn=top,cn=root,dc=test"): (0) send_ldap_result: conn=-1 op=0 p=0 DDS dn="cn=top,cn=root,dc=test" is non-leaf; deferring. DDS expired=0
ldapsearch "(entryExpireTimestamp=*)" produces
dn: cn=top,cn=Root,dc=test entryExpireTimestamp: 20101024113626Z
dn: cn=leaf1,cn=top,cn=Root,dc=test entryExpireTimestamp: 20101024113626Z
dn: cn=leaf2,cn=top,cn=Root,dc=test entryExpireTimestamp: 20101024113626Z
dn: cn=leaf3,cn=top,cn=Root,dc=test entryExpireTimestamp: 20101024113626Z
where ldapsearch "(entryExpireTimestamp<=20101024113626Z)" only finds
dn: cn=top,cn=Root,dc=test entryExpireTimestamp: 20101024113626Z
If I change all timestamps to distinct values then expiration of complete branches works as expected.
Thanks, Petteri