<quote who="ando@sys-net.it">
ghenry@suretecsystems.com wrote:
I read that as if there is no DB_CONFIG, one gets created from the dbconfig directives. If there is one, dbconfig stuff gets ignored and the DB_CONFIG file is used.
But yes, it's not clear what happens in that situation. So, I go back to you ;-) What does the code actually do? If it does indeed ignore dbconfig and honour DB_CONFIG then we say that.
As I read your comments, you sound like you don't know what the code does
Oh, well excuse me for presuming!
(I don't as I haven't looked, but I'd be very surprised if you actually don't know). So this brings me back to my first point; we make it say what the code actually does do in the situation that there is a DB_CONFIG file and dbconfig directives in slapd.conf or slapd.d/
After reading the code, it seems that if reading from slapd.conf and the DB_CONFIG is in place, any slapd.conf dbconfig directive is ignored.
OK, sorry. I should have taken the time to read it myself.
So we just amend the man page to say that. Good.
Ing. Pierangelo Masarati OpenLDAP Core Team
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