Full_Name: Piotr.Golonka@CERN.CH Version: 2.2.13 OS: Linux URL: ftp://ftp.openldap.org/incoming/golonka-pkg-070312.tgz Submission from: (NULL) (
Hi, the documentation of the ldap_sasl_bind* family of functions is missing, and getting the actual DIGEST-MD5 authentication in your C code working seems to be completely undocumented. I went through the complete code of ldapsearch.c and extracted the minimal code that succesfully demonstrates DIGEST-MD5 authentication. In my case, I authenticated against ActiveDirectory server.
I uploaded the example into your FTP server as golonka-pkg-070312.tgz I hope it may be useful to publish it as a short "Howto" material...
regards Piotr Golonka CERN