Full_Name: Quanah Gibson-Mount Version: RE24 12/11/2012 OS: Linux 2.6 URL: ftp://ftp.openldap.org/incoming/ Submission from: (NULL) (
In the 2.4.33 release of OpenLDAP, it was possibly to resize an MDB database by modifying olcDbMaxsize while slapd was running. This functionality no longer works in current RE24. This is highly desirable behavior, as one may wish to reduce the maximum DB size after determining how large the actual MDB is. With current RE24, changing olcDbMaxsize to a smaller value leaves the data.mdb file the same size as it was before.
2.4.33 behavior:
80GB initial maxsize: zimbra@zre-ldap002:~$ ls -l data/ldap/mdb/db total 692 -rw------- 1 zimbra zimbra 85899345920 Dec 11 10:46 data.mdb
After modifying cn=config with a 10MB maxsize:
zimbra@zre-ldap002:~$ ls -l data/ldap/mdb/db total 692 -rw------- 1 zimbra zimbra 10485760 Dec 11 10:51 data.mdb