Full_Name: Dimosthenis Pettas Version: 2.4.23 OS: SOLARIS URL: ftp://ftp.openldap.org/incoming/ Submission from: (NULL) (
I use OpenLDAP version 2.4.23 client to connect via TLS to an LDAP server(slapd). i initialize connection with an IPV6 address using url ldap://[fd00:1111:1111:72:20c:29ff:fec5:4ade]:389 and then try to extend connection to TLS with calling ldap_start_tls_s. when trying to match client-server certificates hosts inside tlso_session_chkhost in tls_o.c we try to determine client host type(IS_DNS,IS_IP4,IS_IP6) but for IPV6 it expects to find "[" at first position and "]" at latst one to determine IPV6 address:
#ifdef LDAP_PF_INET6 if (name[0] == '[' && strchr(name, ']')) { char *n2 = ldap_strdup(name+1); *strchr(n2, ']') = 0; if (inet_pton(AF_INET6, n2, &addr)) ntype = IS_IP6; LDAP_FREE(n2); } else
but it seems that [] have been removed inside ldap_url_parse_ext in Url.c:
/* If [ip address]:port syntax, url is [ip and we skip the [ */ ludp->lud_host = LDAP_STRDUP( url + is_v6 );
So name is not [fd00:1111:1111:72:20c:29ff:fec5:4ade] but fd00:1111:1111:72:20c:29ff:fec5:4ade and code above fails to determine ntype = IS_IP6.
i modified code to:
#ifdef LDAP_PF_INET6
if (inet_pton(AF_INET6, name, &addr)) { ntype = IS_IP6;
} else #endif if ((ptr = strrchr(name, '.')) && isdigit((unsigned char)ptr[1])) { if (inet_aton(name, (struct in_addr *)&addr)) { ntype = IS_IP4; } }
letting functions inet_pton and inet_aton determing IP type.Scenario worked. Let me know if i miss anything or this should be corrected.
Sorry for submitting again ,i wanted to correct email address