Full_Name: Jeff Turner Version: 2.3.30 OS: Linux URL: http://confluence.atlassian.com/download/attachments/162431971/openldap-sha2... Submission from: (NULL) (
OpenLDAP currently supports MD5, CRYPT and SHA1 hash formats. I needed support for SHA-512, so I have created a module to support SHA512, and the other SHA-2 formats (SHA256 and SHA384). I'd be happy for it to be included in OpenLDAP's contrib/slapd-modules/passwd/ directory. Code suitable for inclusion is linked in the ticket URL, and there is a fuller description of its use in the included README, or at http://confluence.atlassian.com/display/JIRAEXT/OpenLDAP+support+for+SHA-2+%...
As for the code, it is a thin module wrapper on an unmodified version of the BSD-licenced sha2.{c,h} by Aaron Gifford:
This also appears to be the SHA2 implementation used by OpenBSD.
Please let me know if you have any questions.