Full_Name: Patrick Cernko Version: 2.4.21 OS: Linux URL: http://www.mpi-inf.mpg.de/~pcernko/syncrepl_fails_if_attribute_has_no_equalt... Submission from: (NULL) (
Hi OpenLDAP-Programmers,
although some related bug reports were posted in the past years, this issue still seems not to be fixed:
OpenLDAP's syncrepl replication fails if it comes to removing one of a multi-value attribes of an object if this attribute does not have a equality matching rule defined in the schema. Modification works on the master server but fails to replicate to the slave(s) leaving them with the dit version just before and not replicating any other changes any more.
I compiled a small example how to reproduce the problem with the (maybe "well-known") nisNetgroupTriple attribute from nis.schema as shipped with openldap-2.4.21:
- extract the files from
http://www.mpi-inf.mpg.de/~pcernko/syncrepl_fails_if_attribute_has_no_equalt... into an empty working directory
- download the tarball to that working dir and configure similar to the
just extracted configure.sh
- build and install it to get an install subdir in the working dir
- start the master using sh master.sh in the working dir This will create the "master" database in your working dir, slapadd the
dit.ldif and start a master slapd with a unix socket /tmp/master.
- start the slave using sh slave.sh This will create "slave" database in your working dir and start the
slave slapd with a unix socket /tmp/slave which will immediately start syncing from the running master
- if you want you can search the 2 servers with install/bin/ldapsearch -H ldapi://%2ftmp%2fmaster/ -b ou=openldap -LLL resp. install/bin/ldapsearch -H ldapi://%2ftmp%2fslave/ -b ou=openldap -LLL
- use "python mod.py" to remove one of the nisNetgroupTriple attributes
from the netgroup object
- you will see a debug message from the slave server like this:
bdb_modify_internal: delete nisNetgroupTriple bdb_modify_internal: 18 modify/delete: nisNetgroupTriple: no equality matching rule send_ldap_result: err=18 matched="" text="modify/delete: nisNetgroupTriple: no equality matching rule" null_callback : error code 0x12 slap_graduate_commit_csn: removing 0x29931c0 20100120124712.028626Z#000000#000#000000 syncrepl_entry: rid=001 be_modify cn=netgroup,ou=openldap (18) syncrepl_entry: rid=001 be_modify failed (18)
if not, use "python mod.py add" to re-add the removed nisNetgroupTriple and try again. Sometimes, it seems to work (race condition?).
- you can also verify the difference with: install/bin/ldapsearch -H ldapi://%2ftmp%2fmaster/ -b ou=openldap -LLL
cn=netgroup install/bin/ldapsearch -H ldapi://%2ftmp%2fslave/ -b ou=openldap -LLL cn=netgroup
- from now on, the slave will fail to sync any succeeding changes, as it
continuously tries to sync the modification above first. :-(
Now, obviously having an attribute without equality matching rule is not a good idea in the first place. However, the (official?) nis.schema comes with such an attribute which we must use like this (e.g. we would have to patch the Solaris kernel to change it for the Solaris NFS server).
It is possible to modify a nisNetgroup object like this: according to the debugging output, I guess the master removes simply ALL nisNetgroupTriple attributes and adds only the attributes that should remain. When the corresponding syncrepl_entry is handled by the slave, it seems the it in contrast tries to really only remove the 2-be-removed attribute which does not work as it cannot identify the right one due to a missing eq-match operator.
I suggest the best way to solve this issue is to try to get syncrepl do exactly the same actions (not resulting changes) as the server does.
I see the issue, and I've isolated it to the case where you're removing a value. In that case, in attr_cmp(), nn == 0 and no < o; the original test for modifying an attribute without matching rule fails. I've fixed it according to this patch, not sure whether it's appropriate for other cases
Please test and review. Thanks, p.