I miserably lost the fight against your ticket system! No way to modify anything as guest user and no way to create/register a new user as described in the Jitterbug help pages. Could you please tell me how I can modify an issue or where I can find a description how to proceed?
Thanks, Tamim
On 23.07.2018 17:59, Howard Chu wrote:
tamim.ziai@daasi.de wrote:
Full_Name: Tamim Ziai Version: 2.4.46 OS: linux URL: https://storage.daasi.de/s/piQ3WQxgYDSDkKZ Submission from: (NULL) (
As requested by Matthew Hardin I'm submitting the overlay "Empty Directory String" (eds) as contrib software. It can be downloaded form the URL below.
Thanks Tamim, but please also provide an IPR notice as documented in http://www.openldap.org/devel/contributing.html#submitting