Full_Name: Imtiaz Khadim Version: 3 OS: Window server 2000 URL: ftp://ftp.openldap.org/incoming/ Submission from: (NULL) (
I am using Sun Iplanet Directory Server 5.2 and LDAP Version 3.0 to fetch records. The Problem currently i am facing is as follow
I have made three conection to Iplanet Directory with same authentication level. Each connection apply diferent filter and fetch records. First rule fetch 15000 records. and 2nd and third fetch 700 record each and this schedule is to be run on every day. First time it fetch records correctly but when on next day it ran again 2nd and third filter run correctly but when first filter is applied the API ldap_search_s() return error code 0x34. Why this happen? the other two are working fine and these three connections are part of one application. Can any one help me out please.
reagrds Imtiaz Khadim