Full_Name: Josh Stompro Version: HEAD OS: Debian URL: ftp://ftp.openldap.org/incoming/josh-stompro-120605.patch Submission from: (NULL) (
I uploaded a patch to openldap incoming ftp server name josh-stompro-120605.patch. This patch updates the man page for the MemberOf Overlay to include cn=config style instructions, and update the config option names so they comply with the cn=config style.
I had to resort to google to figure out how to add this overlay since I'm not all that familiar with the cn=config format yet, and the documentation doesn't make it easy to figure out. I found an article on serverfault[1] that had the examples I needed to get it to work. This is my attempt to make it easier for the next individual.
I, Josh Stompro, hereby place the following modifications to OpenLDAP Software (and only these modifications) into the public domain. Hence, these modifications may be freely used and/or redistributed for any purpose with or without attribution and/or other notice.
1 - http://serverfault.com/questions/73213/how-do-i-configure-reverse-group-memb...