Full_Name: Michiel Visser Version: 2.4.35 OS: Linux URL: ftp://ftp.openldap.org/incoming/ Submission from: (NULL) (
Feature request: MDB_SET_RANGE is an important option for me (I'm implementing a generic triple store on top of MDB). But I also desire some additions: 1) let's call it MDB_SET_RANGE_INV: find key equal of smaller. In theory I could also apply an inverted compare function, but this makes it counter-intuitive ('bigger' actually implying 'smaller'). And I understand I can also use SET_RANGE, followed by a cursor-previous-traversal, but it would require extra logic to check whether the key is already equal, which brings me to my second point: 2) a way to see whether the returned key is equal (to the supplied key), to avoid another call to get/cursor_get, or avoid a manual key compare.