Full_Name: Michael Ströder Version: HEAD OS: Linux URL: ftp://ftp.openldap.org/incoming/ Submission from: (NULL) (
Currently the command-line tools require to explicitly use command-line option -x for a simple bind even when -D <bind-dn> is already given as command-line argument. This sometimes confuses users.
So I'd like to propose that 1. -x is automagically assumed if -D is given at the command-line and no other SASL-related arguments like -Y or -U etc. are defined, 2. setting the bind-DN with -D should still be usable when -Y is explicitly defined.
I'm not sure whether this could also be automagically done if -U is given as command-line argument since still one would have to specify the SASL mech with -Y.
Ciao, Michael.