Full_Name: Philippe EYCHART Version: 2.4.15 OS: slackware URL: ftp://ftp.openldap.org/incoming/ Submission from: (NULL) (
Hi, It seems that the delete of a jpegPhoto attribute (specifing its value) produce the error 18 (Inappropriate matching). With other attribute ("title", for exemple), this error doesn't appear ...
source (C++): m_errNo = ldap_modify_ext_s ( m_desc, (*m_entryIn)->getIdentifier().c_str(), tmpMods, NULL, NULL );
Trace Debug (code::blocks 8.02): **tmpMods mod_op=129 mod_type = 0xcc9950 "jpegPhoto" mod_vals modv_strvals = 0xc3dad0 modv_bvals = 0xc3dad0 *tmpMods->mod_vals->modv_bvals[0] bv_len = 816 bv_val = 0xec9480 "iVBORwOKGgoAAAANSUh... // (*) tmpMods->mod_vals->modv_bvals[1] = (berval *) 0x0,, this->m_errNo = 18
(*): here, the value seems correct: (std::string(..."a search jpegPhoto attribute result in Base"...getAttribute()->getStrValue()))->compare(bv_val)==0...
but: **tmpMods mod_op=129 mod_type = 0xd76130 "title" mod_vals modv_strvals = 0xcc7e90 modv_bvals = 0xcc7e90 *tmpMods->mod_vals->modv_bvals[0] bv_len = 4 bv_val = 0xdd3b40 "test" tmpMods->mod_vals->modv_bvals[1] = (berval *) 0x0,, this->m_errNo = 0
Please, tell me if you need some more samples of code or trace debug ... Regards. PE http://homepage.gna.org/ldapcppei/Frontends/Howto-7.fr.html