Full_Name: Pierangelo Masarati Version: irrelevant OS: irrelevant URL: ftp://ftp.openldap.org/incoming/ Submission from: (NULL) ( Submitted by: ando
I see a few potential issues in current slapo-translucent(5) filtering approach:
- if an attribute is marked as local, it will not be used to filter entries on the remote server; however, that attribute might exist in entries on the remote server, resulting in inconsistent search results
- the same is also true in the reverse case
in those cases, it might be helpful to let the same attribute be listed as local *and* remote, acting accordingly.
Also, there is no way to indicate that some attributes are local and *all the others* are remote (and viceversa); it is suggested to allow "*" (and "+"?), as well as "1.1" to indicate no attributes. Wildcards would take effect unless attribute specifications are present.
I don't know, right now, how easy it would be to implement those enhancements; I'm just noting them here as a reminder for a feature request.