I'd defer to those with more expertise, but my vote is to avoid changing the modifyTimestamp attribute. That attribute should be updated only when an ldapmodify operation is performed.
I'm not familiar with the specifications, and perhaps this isn't addressed there. My intuition suggests that it shouldn't be modified by operations that are not directly under the control of the user or administrator.
Howard Chu wrote:
dan.cushing@netideasinc.com wrote:
Full_Name: Dan Cushing Version: 2.3.36 OS: Solaris 9 URL: ftp://ftp.openldap.org/incoming/ Submission from: (NULL) (
When running OpenLDAP with the ppolicy overlay, the modifyTimestamp for a user entry is updated if the user attempts to login (bind) with an incorrect password. This is happening because the password lockout feature is enabled and the operational attribute 'pwdFailureTime' is being updated. It seems like this results in a misleading modifyTimestamp. Is it intended that the modifyTimestamp attribute be updated when operational attributes are updated?
Hadn't really thought about it before. We can certainly avoid this though.