pitpalme+openldap@gmail.com wrote:
Full_Name: Peter Palmreuther Version: 2.4.19 OS: FreeBSD 7.2 / Solaris 8 URL: Submission from: (NULL) (
I've set up OpenLDAP to run in "MirrorMode":
# [...] overlay syncprov syncprov-checkpoint 100 10 syncprov-sessionlog 100 # [...] syncrepl rid=001 provider=ldap://localhost:11389 type=refreshAndPersist searchbase="o=esolution,dc=deutscherv,dc=de" schemachecking=on bindmethod=simple binddn="cn=MirrorMode,o=esolution,dc=deutscherv,dc=de" credentials="M1rr0rM3" retry="60 +"
serverID 1 mirrormode on # [...]
The second server is set up identically, except "serverID" is 2 and "provider" is set to URL of first server. The fact addresses are "localhost" is because I replicated my main setup on my private server (FreeBSD) to better inspect and debug the problem.
When adding, modifying and deleting an entry it can happend I do get a positive return from delete, but a subsequent "add" fails with "code=68: Already exists".
Can you check whether the entry actually exist, although in "glue" state? You can do this by searching (e.g. with ldapsearch) as the rootdn, to bypass access checking, and using the manageDSAit control (-MM).