On Dec 12, 2007, at 12:02 PM, craig5@pobox.com wrote:
Full_Name: Craig Sebenik Version: 2.3.35 OS: CentOS 4.5 URL: ftp://ftp.openldap.org/incoming/ Submission from: (NULL) (
It would be helpful if the admin documentation on the OpenLDAP web pages had some way to search.
There are lots of existing ways of searching an admin guide.
First, most web search engines can be told to localize their search to a set of pages. For instance: http://www.google.com/search?q=site:www.openldap.org/doc/admin24+rwm
Second, the guide is available as a readily searchable single HTML document.
Third, the guide is available as readily searchable PDF document.
IMO, it would be fantastic if there was a simple search box on each page and an "advanced search page" with more options.
Use your browsers built-in search functions to search any single page, and if they aren't advanced enough for you, try a different browser.
However, a simple search box on just the main page would be a great start.
See above suggestions.
Lastly, such things are easier said than done. I simply don't see sufficient value here to warrant expending the significant resources it would take to design, implement, test, and deploy a solution fulfilling this request.
-- Kurt