Full_Name: Tim Mooney Version: 2.4.25 OS: Linux, Solaris URL: ftp://ftp.openldap.org/incoming/TimMooney-110412-04.patch Submission from: (NULL) (2001:4930:106:0:18bb:1140:fa3d:f713)
As I mentioned here:
and Quanah clarified here:
The admin guide chapter on tuning still mentions that indexes are in Hash format, though that's no longer true.
I've uploaded patch TimMooney-110412-04.patch against HEAD that clarifies that indexes are now also in B-tree format and so the same calculations for cache on dn2id can be used with each index.
I also corrected one other typo, changing
To avoid thrashing the, your cache
To avoid thrashing, your cache