--On Tuesday, April 20, 2010 4:03 AM +0000 masarati@aero.polimi.it wrote:
Very cute, but it fails the second portion of the requirement, which is command validation. ;)
Here's a poor man's implementation. It *should* work for add & modify; don't quite know how to delete entries; this also implies renaming. probably, this would need be_tool_rename & be_tool_delete hooks. Cannot compete in efficiency with slapadd; uses newly added ldifutil stuff (ITS#6194). Please test.
Cool, thanks! I'll give it a spin :)
I believe delete support was added to back-ldif in HEAD, but I'm not sure how it works either.
Quanah Gibson-Mount Principal Software Engineer Zimbra, Inc -------------------- Zimbra :: the leader in open source messaging and collaboration