Full_Name: Nithya Narasimhan Version: Symas OpenLDAP version 2.4.26 OS: RHEL 5.5 URL: ftp://ftp.openldap.org/incoming/ Submission from: (NULL) (
We have configured 2 nodes in an n way multimaster configuration.
Server Definition is configured as follows -
Slapd.conf entry in first server
serverID 001 ldap:// serverID 002 ldap://
Slapd.conf entry in second server
serverID 001 ldap:// serverID 002 ldap://
Offline replication does not occur.ie:Bring down node1, add entries to node2 which is up.Then bring up the node1 after sometime.In this case the entries added in node2 are not available in node1.
However when ServerID is configured as follows in slapd.conf file -
Slapd.conf entry in first server
serverID 1
Slapd.conf entry in second server
serverID 2
offline replication occurs correctly.
My Questions are -
1) What is the correct Server Definition for n way multimaster. 2) Is there any other configuration we need to change to make this work? 3) If we are adding LDAP URL to Server Definition , what is the correct format we must use ? 4) If N-way multi-master mode for 2 servers (2-way multi-master Mode), should both nodes information be configured in both servers under syncrepl. Should the syncrepl ID be different in both servers ? Can you share me a sample 2-way multi-master mode setup. 5) Offline data load (Node 1 is up and Node 2 is down Now entries are added in Node 1 and then Node 2 is brought up) How does this synchronization work ? Will it work in Physical server and Virtual Machine as well ? Scenarios of addition/deletion/modification of entries/attributes. 6) What happens if I define an interval even if I have it refreshandpersist type Will it ignore that parameter or does it have any side effects ?