On 06/15/2012 01:52 PM, Howard Chu wrote:
jsynacek@redhat.com wrote:
Full_Name: Jan Synacek Version: git (c73ec15) OS: linux-fedora17 URL: http://jsynacek.fedorapeople.org/openldap/leak/openldap-mmr-leak.tar.gz Submission from: (NULL) (
I'm using a 2-node mmr setup on my local machine - configuration files and 'uploader' scripts are provided in the archive.
- I have the two nodes running.
- Execute run.sh (only a wrapper for ldapusradm.sh) and start monitoring
slapd's memory usage. 3) After some time (at about 2k users on my system), slapd consumes a large amount of memory which is still growing
Note that not using ldapmodify to add members to 'cn=users,dc=yes,dc=my', but using it e.g. for modifying each user's email, does NOT result in any memory leakage.
I have also created a massif output using valgrind's massif tool: http://jsynacek.fedorapeople.org/openldap/leak/massif.out.17906
I get no permission to access this URL.
Sorry about that, should be fixed now.