Full_Name: Fred Obermann Version: 2.3.34 OS: linux URL: Submission from: (NULL) (
I just downloaded, built and installed openldap-2.3.34 using BerkeleyDB-4.5.20.
There seems to be a disconnect between where openldap-2.3.34 'configure' expects db.h is and where Oracle's build procedure puts db.h.
For 4.5.20, db.h is located in "/usr/local/BerkeleyDB.4.5/include". Setting: CPPFLAGS="I/usr/local/BerkeleyDB.4.5/include", prior to invoking 'configure'
Perhaps adding a "-" before "I" could help. Please check and report.
does not seem to enable 'configure' to find 'db.h'. Providing soft link from /usr/local/BerkeleyDB.4.5/include/db.h to /usr/include seems to fix this problem
Furthermore there seems to be a disconnect between the Oracle naming convention for the BerkeleyDB libraries and what openldap's 'configure' utility seems to expect.
I set: LIBS=-L/usr/local/BerkeleyDB.4.5/lib prior to invoking 'configure'
But 'configure' is looking for libdb45.a or libdb-45.a or libdb4.5.a.
However, what the Oracle build procedure produces are: libdb-4.5.a libdb.a
Creating a soft link from libdb-4.5.a to libdb45.a seems to fix this problem.
Nonetheless, it would be better if the 'configure' script were expanded to gracefully handle this latest release of BerkeleyDB from Oracle.
Ing. Pierangelo Masarati OpenLDAP Core Team
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