Full_Name: Lucio De Re Version: 2.3.35 and earlier OS: Plan 9 URL: ftp://ftp.openldap.org/incoming/ Submission from: (NULL) (
The arguments on lines 20 and 23 (#if and #elif, respectively) in .../include/ac/time.h ought to be surrounded with "defined()". Whether the existing format is legitimate or not is a matter for the C standards, but I believe that the alternative would be both clearer and more portable.
The Plan 9 C pre-processor has a definite issue with it and it seems a reasonable change to implement. There may be other places where a similar change would be beneficial, I'll identify them as I encountered and will provide a comprehensive list on demand.
Naturally, there are many other issues applicable specific to porting OpenLDAP to Plan 9, but these seem trivial enough to warrant addressing in a broader context.