Full_Name: Zhang Weiwu Version: 2.3.35-r1 OS: Gentoo Linux URL: ftp://ftp.openldap.org/incoming/ Submission from: (NULL) (
The -E option in ldapsearch is not mentioned in ldapsearch manual, as I have tested on both openSuSE 10.2 and gentoo Linux. Unfortunately I don't know what it means but it seems to be pretty useful and enabled extended search filter like given in RFC 3876. Probably it means "extend filter", I guess.
An example of -E as being discussed on openldap-software list:
when I search with "cn=foo*", and entry has multiple "cn" values, like
"cn=foo", "cn=joe", "cn=foobar", "cn=foobarX", "cn=bob", "cn=nofoobar"
doing this search, it should only return "cn=foo", "cn=foobar", "cn=foobarX",
$ ldapsearch -E mv="(cn=foo*)"