Howard Chu wrote:
I suppose so. I put my stuff in there when I don't consider it worth my effort to autoconf-iscate it. Things like nssov only work with Linux, so there's no point in adding the overhead. Stuff in there really is of too limited use to warrant the full effort of maintenance that the core code gets.
That means the added value of contrib/ is that it will only be maintained by its contributor and will rot otherwise.
Overlays that have been autoconf-ified could all reside in server/slapd/overlays. Non-core thing would be disabled by default, and would rot if not maintained by their contributors, as they are now...
Didn't mean to start a holy war about contrib/ vs. overlays/. My intention was to isolate overlay development from autoconf-ing, until generality and usefulness demand for moving to overlays/.
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