Full_Name: Leo Bergolth Version: 2.4.20 OS: linux URL: http://leo.kloburg.at/tmp/dynlist-rwm.log Submission from: (NULL) (
When using the relay backend, entries that have attributes expanded by the dynlist overlay are not shown in the virtual naming context. (Not even those attributes that are not created dynamically, only an empty dn is shown for those entries.)
Example: # real naming context: -------------------- 8< -------------------- $ ldapsearch -LLL -h bach-s49 -b 'dc=wu-wien,dc=ac,dc=at' -x '(cn=dynlisttest)' dn: cn=dynlisttest,ou=LDAPgroups,dc=wu-wien,dc=ac,dc=at objectClass: wuDynGroupOfNames objectClass: groupOfURLs objectClass: top cn: dynlisttest memberURL: ldap:///dc=wu-wien,dc=ac,dc=at??sub?(&(objectclass=wuPerson)(uid=be rgolth*)) member: uid=bergolth,ou=users,dc=wu-wien,dc=ac,dc=at member: uid=bergolth2,ou=LDAPusers,dc=wu-wien,dc=ac,dc=at -------------------- 8< --------------------
# virtual naming context: -------------------- 8< -------------------- $ ldapsearch -LLL -h bach-s49 -b 'dc=wu,dc=ac,dc=at' -x '(cn=dynlisttest)' dn: -------------------- 8< --------------------
According to Pierangelo Maserati it seems to be a bug in slapo-rwm. http://thread.gmane.org/gmane.network.openldap.technical/207/focus=210
# dynlist config: -------------------- 8< -------------------- dn: olcOverlay={0}dynlist,olcDatabase={1}bdb,cn=config objectClass: olcDynamicList objectClass: olcOverlayConfig olcOverlay: {0}dynlist olcDlAttrSet: {0}posixGroup labeledURI memberUid:uid olcDlAttrSet: {1}wuDynGroupOfNames memberURL member -------------------- 8< --------------------
# relay rwm config: -------------------- 8< -------------------- dn: olcOverlay={0}rwm,olcDatabase={3}relay,cn=config objectClass: olcOverlayConfig objectClass: olcRwmConfig olcOverlay: {0}rwm olcRwmRewrite: {0}rwm-suffixmassage "dc=wu-wien,dc=ac,dc=at" -------------------- 8< --------------------
The debug output of the second ldapsearch can be found at the specified URL.
Thanks, --leo