hyc@symas.com wrote:
Reading the man page, I thought that the directives don't modify DB_CONFIG, but were applied at slapd's startup.
For slapd.conf, the directives can only take effect after they are written to DB_CONFIG. They will only be written to DB_CONFIG at startup time, and only if no such file already existed.
The main reason this directive was added was for the benefit of cn=config. Using it in slapd.conf is rather pointless. Once you start managing slapd through cn=config, you are expected to stop editing DB_CONFIG manually.
I didn't mention that the whole discussion started because Debian seems to ship with both a default DB_CONFIG installed in the database directory, and the very same directives echoed in slapd.conf. People find the dbconfig directives, modify them and complain because they don't take effect. And, I couldn't disambiguate the man page because I didn't find it clear enough about this point.
Ing. Pierangelo Masarati OpenLDAP Core Team
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