On 06/07/2012 03:00 PM, Howard Chu wrote:
jsynacek@redhat.com wrote:
Full_Name: Jan Synacek Version: 2.4.29 OS: Fedora 16 URL: http://jsynacek.fedorapeople.org/openldap/jsynacek-20120216-constraint-count... Submission from: (NULL) (
Constraint overlay doesn't take into account multiple modifications when using count.
Example: If count for 'description' attribute is set e.g. to 2, the following results in a constraint violation:
dn: cn=usr2, dc=my-domain,dc=com add: description description: d1 description: d2 description: d3-viol
However, this passes:
dn: cn=usr2, dc=my-domain,dc=com add: description description: d1
add: description description: d2
add: description description: d3
This patch fixes the behavior in case multiple modifications are used.
Original bug report: https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=742163
The patch is uploaded on fedorapeople.org: http://jsynacek.fedorapeople.org/openldap/jsynacek-20120216-constraint-count...
I wasn't able to use ftp.openldap.org due to 'No space left' error.
This code (and the original) don't seem to properly take deletes into account. It resets the ce counter to 0 on any delete op, but it should be decrementing based on the number of values provided. (And of course, it can only do that if the specified value is actually present in the attribute.)
I've updated the patch: http://jsynacek.fedorapeople.org/openldap/jsynacek-20120619-constraint-count...
Also, I've uploaded the tests I use: http://jsynacek.fedorapeople.org/openldap/constraint-count-tests.tar.bz2