Full_Name: Awnish Kumar Singh Version: openldap-2.4.38 OS: Windows and Linux both URL: ftp://ftp.openldap.org/incoming/ Submission from: (NULL) (
I am using OpenLDAP and facing issue during the ldif file IMPORT in the target environment, but successfully EXPORTED from source which is same in configuration. (Even I tested it with the same environment as a source as well as destination) ISSUE IN DETAIL: 1>> I have used memberURL attribute in groupOfURLs object class, and configured the memberURL values to populate the certain attributes & their values in groupOfURLs objects from other pointed source object. So due to this configuration required attributes and their values are getting populated dynamically from pointed source object to groupOfURLs target object properly. 2>> But when I am exporting the ldif file, then dynamically populated attributes in groupOfURLs objects and their values are also getting exported in the ldif file, which should not happen because it is creating issue when I am trying to import the same ldif in the destination environment. 3>> The reason is, these dynamically populated attributes in groupOfURLs object is not the part of dyngroup.schema (because it is dynamically populated from other object) thats why during ldif IMPORT in the target environment, ldap is expecting these attributes should be part of dyngroup.schema and then will allow the import, and because this not allowed to import the data. What is the solution for this? As per my understanding product should support to migrate the ldif or other configuration from one environment to other without any issue, this industry standard. I am looking for help on this issue from community. Thanks