Full_Name: Emmanuel Duru Version: 2.4.11 OS: Windows URL: ftp://ftp.openldap.org/incoming/ Submission from: (NULL) (
I am starting OpenLDAP with -f slapd.conf -F /path/configdir to convert my configuration to LDIF, including customized schema. My customized schema is split in several files. Sometimes, the attributes defined in one of these files are not generated in the configdb LDIF files (the cn={n}xx.ldif file in the /path/configdb/cn=config/cn=schema directory does not contain any olcAttributeTypes values, though it contains the corresponding olcObjectClasses attributes). After several tests, the problem seems to come from an attribute with Certificate syntax: as soon as one xx.schema file contains such an attribute, the corresponding {n}xx.ldif file does not contain any olcAttributeTypes attribute). This works with core.schema (usercertificate for example), but I can't see any difference with my certificate attribute.