wrote: > wrote:
To further elaborate, even if the virtual DN is set instead of the real one in c_ndn, the operation fails because ACL checking passes through bi_entry_get_rw(), which is not provided by slapo-rwm, and can't be provided according to the current design, since it does not allow to massage the arguments. As a quick'n'dirty fix, what you can do is make the proxy database serve both naming contexts, namely
database ldap suffix "dc=remote,dc=local" suffix "dc=remote" uri "ldap://" acl-bind bindmethod=simple binddn="cn=user,dc=remote" credentials=secret overlay rwm rwm-suffixmassage "dc=remote,dc=local" "dc=remote"
This allows the proxy database to be found by select_backend() when searching the right backend using the real naming context. At the same time, internal searches occur as expected.
This is a hack; the real fix requires to redesign the API of bi_entry_get_rw(), to let it modify the request arguments while letting the real function do the hard job.
Ing. Pierangelo Masarati OpenLDAP Core Team
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