Full_Name: Guillaume Rousse Version: 2.4.8 OS: linux URL: ftp://ftp.openldap.org/incoming/ Submission from: (NULL) (
smbk5pwd uses two private heimdal functions: _kadm5_set_keys _kadm5_free_keys
As of heimdal 1.1, those functions are not exported anymore. As a consequence, opendalp crashes as soon as I try to change password when the overlay is activated.
According to heimdal maintainers, smb5pwd should rather use hdb_generate_key_set_password and hdb_free_keys to generate the key data. I tried to produce a patch myself (available at http://www.zarb.org/~guillomovitch/openldap-smbk5pwd-2.4.8-dont-use-internal...) by inlining _kadm5_set_keys function directly in smbk5pwd, but I don't know how to deal with members of private kadm_context structure.