Full_Name: Chris Mikkelson Version: 2.4.24 OS: FreeBSD URL: ftp://ftp.openldap.org/incoming/ Submission from: (NULL) (
I have a multi-master LDAP master, with slaves replicating different subtrees of the directory. If a slave disconnects, a change is made on the master, and the slave reconnects, the master sends the complete subtree rather than the changed entries or a NEW_COOKIE message. Slaves which replicate the complete directory work fine -- only the changed entries are sent.
The following script recreates this:
(This script assumes that schemas are in /usr/local/etc/openldap/schema and the slapd binary is in /usr/local/libexec. Both are default for the FreeBSD port of OpenLDAP, but may need to be modified for other environments.)
The script output is here:
Note that the first ldapsearch with base dc=qwest,dc=net receives just the changed entry, but the second search with the same cookie and base ou=accounts,dc=qwest,dc=net receives the complete ou=accounts subtree.