Hallvard B Furuseth schrieb:
Yes, the on-th-fly sorting combined with the delete-single-value code seems broken. I'm not sure if delete-single-value could ever be invoked
Of course could it be "invoked" before: just use slapd 2.4.16 together with slapo-collect and your favorit ldapmodify client. Right after the "invocation" you'll get an error message complaining about a missing equality rule. Thus there's no hint within collect's source that the single-value delete is faulty I inserted an equality rule and began to wonder...
before you inserted an EQUALITY matching rule though.
Do you mean the single-value-delete functionality has been silently "disabled" by removing the EQUALITY matching rule leaving slapo-collect's by design defective single-value-delete code block knowingly unchanged/uncommented? This seems very strange to me even more because slapo-collect is advertises as demonstration overlay (ok, a "quick hacked" one but nevertheless questionable).
I too don't know cn=config all that well:-(
<speculation> Instead of correcting handling this issue only in collect.c there perhabs exists a more general possibility to pimp the cn=config internal add mechanisms regarding the handling of ordered config values? In my opinion a very important feature concerning "overlapping"...
Á la: cfg_value_add(.., .., SLAPD_CFG_VALSORT_ALPHA|SLAPD_CFG_VALSORT_DN|..)
only problem seems to be how to sort a configuration value like: '"ou=test,dc=foo,dc=bar" l,st' by DN's depth </speculation>