I'm writing to this list to clarify if I discovered a bug or just did not configure OpenLDAP properly.
I've set up OpenLDAP to run in "MirrorMode":
# [...] overlay syncprov syncprov-checkpoint 100 10 syncprov-sessionlog 100 # [...] syncrepl rid=001 provider=ldap://localhost:11389 type=refreshAndPersist searchbase="o=esolution,dc=deutscherv,dc=de" schemachecking=on bindmethod=simple binddn="cn=MirrorMode,o=esolution,dc=deutscherv,dc=de" credentials="M1rr0rM3" retry="60 +"
serverID 1 mirrormode on # [...]
The second server is set up identically, except "serverID" is 2 and "provider" is set to URL of first server. The fact addresses are "localhost" is because I replicated my main setup on my private server to better inspect and debug the problem.
When adding, modifying and deleting an entry it can happend I do get a positive return from delete, but a subsequent "add" fails with "code=68: Already exists".
This does not happen all the time, but often enough to name it "reproducible".
This seems not to happen if there's a "sleep" between modify and delete. It also seems not to happen if secondary server is down. So either I've got a configuration problem or there's a problem with synchronization.
Anybody here to help, tracking down this problem?
Thanks a lot, and
--On Sunday, November 08, 2009 5:35 PM +0100 Peter Palmreuther pitpalme+openldap@gmail.com wrote:
I'm writing to this list to clarify if I discovered a bug or just did not configure OpenLDAP properly.
Question on software configuration should go to openldap-software@openldap.org
If you are reporting a bug, then it should be filed at http://www.openldap.org/its
The openldap-bugs list is for responding to bugs that have already been filed as an ITS.
You fail to note which version of OpenLDAP you are using, which of course, is critical information to know. If you believe you have found a bug with the most current release (which at the moment is 2.4.19), I would suggest you file an ITS at the above website.
Quanah Gibson-Mount Principal Software Engineer Zimbra, Inc -------------------- Zimbra :: the leader in open source messaging and collaboration